
ESJ59 ポスター発表 セッション内一覧 (P2)

ESJ59 ポスター発表 セッション内一覧 (P2) | 要旨トップ | ポスター発表 トップ | English Index |

[P2-193A] Rome was not built in a day: time to grasp information on plant feeding of wild Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) *Yamato, T. (Primate Research Institute, Kyoto Univ.), Shiho, F. (Kagoshima Univ.), Sugiura, H. (Wildlife Research Center, Kyoto Univ.), Nakagawa, N. (Kyoto Univ.),

[P2-194A] The relationship between parasitism and within-leaf spatial utilization in the leaf-mining insect Phyllocnistis sp. (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae).  Ayabe, Y., Hijii, N. (Nagoya Univ.)

[P2-195A] Dramatic increase of Coots Fulica atra in Japan *Hashimoto, H. (Meijo Univ.), Sugawa, H. (Ryukoku Univ.)

[P2-196A] Predator phenotypic plasticity modifies prey life history and community *Kishida, O. (Hokkaido Univ.), Trussell, G.C. (Northeastern Univ.), Takatsu, K. (Hokkaido Univ.), Michimae, H. (Kitazato Univ.)

[P2-197A] The evolution of oviposition schedule and sperm utilization under mass-rearing conditions. Kuriwada, T. (Kyushu Okinawa Agr. Res. Cent.), Kumano, N. (Okinawa Plant Prot. Cent.), Shiromoto, K. (Okinawa Plant Prot. Cent.), Haraguchi D. (Okinawa Agr. Res. Cent.)

[P2-198A] Morph ratio clines in pygmy grasshopper melanism *Tsurui, K. (Hirosaki Univ.), Kawatsu, K. (Kyoto Univ.), Nishida, T. (Univ. Sniga Pref.)

[P2-199A] Ecology of porcupines living in tropical rainforests of Borneo, Malaysia Matsukawa, A. (Kyoto Univ.) et al.

[P2-200A] Lifespan and lifetime fecundity in a population of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Berenty Reserve, Madagascar *Ichino, S., Soma, T., Miyamoto, N., Sato H., Koyama, N. (Kyoto Univ.), Takahata, Y. (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.)

[P2-201A] Genetic structure of skylark Alauda arvensis population breeding in Japan Shiraki, S. (Tokyo Univ.of Agr.), Kikkawa, Y. (Tokyo Metropolitan Inst. of Med. Sci.), Ueda, K. (Rikkyo Univ.), Surmach, S. (Russian Academy of Sci. Far East Branch)

[P2-202A] Variations in tolerance to pesticides among Daphnia galeata clones in Lake Kasumigaura Hiroyuki Mano (NIES), Yoshinari Tanaka (NIES)

[P2-203A] Tropical and temperate freshwater amphidromy: a comparison between life history characteristics of Sicydiinae gobies, ayu, sculpins and galaxiids *WATANABE, S. (Univ. Tokyo), IIDA, M. (Univ. Ryukyu), LORD, C., KEITH, P. (MNHN), TSUKAMOTO, K. (Univ. Tokyo)


[P2-204A] Genetic structure of expanding wild boar populations in Japan with special reference to the introgression of domestic pig genes. *Tamate HB, Sasamori S, Saitoh A and Kaizu M (Yamagata University, School of Science)

[P2-205A] Assessment of the genotyping accuracy in non-invasive DNA-based population survey of Asiatic black bears: a lesson from the large-scale pilot study. Uno, R.(IAB), Kondo M.(HRO), Yuasa, T.(WMO), Yamauchi, K.(I-RIEP), Tsuruga, H.(HRO), Tamate, H.B.(Yamagata Univ.) and Yoneda, M.(JWRC).

[P2-206A] Maximum likelihood estimation of population parameters with incomplete time-series data using an EM algorithm and an MCMC method Hakoyama, H. (FRA/TUMST)

[P2-207A] Did mountain and rural populations of the ant tended butterfly result from different ancestors? Takeuchi, T. (CER, Kyoto Univ), Takahashi, J. (Kyoto Sangyo Univ). Tsubaki, N. (CER, Kyoto Univ)

[P2-208A] Population estimation of local populations on Asiatic black bears and Brown bears in Japan through geographic distribution modeling *Doko, T. (Yokohama National Univ. and JSPS), Koike, F. (Yokohama National Univ.)

[P2-209A] Expression of Heat Shock Proteins in ergatoid queens of the ant Myrmecina nipponica inhibited in cold regions of Japan *Miyazaki, S., Maekawa, K. (Univ. of Toyama)

[P2-210A] Microsatellite development for the blue duiker (Cephalophus monticola) by next-generation sequencing Akomo, E.F.O. (IRET, Gabon),*Inoue, E. (Kyoto Univ.), Adenyo, C. (Kyoto Univ.), Hayano, A. (Kyoto univ.), Inoue-Murayama, M. (Kyoto Univ.)

[P2-211A] Costs of inducible defenses and sexual reproduction in a cyclical parthenogen *Oda, S. (Natl Inst Basic Biol), Mano, H., Tanaka, Y. (Natl Inst Env Studies), Iguchi, T. (Natl Inst Basic Biol)

[P2-212A] Secular changes of macrobenthos distributions and environmental conditions on Tamagawa estuary; 2006 to 2010 *Masumoto, T.(Chiba Prefectural Univ. of Health Sci.), Saito, H.(National Res. Ins. of Fisheries Eng.), Shirai, K.(Yokohama Port and Airport Tech. Inv. Office), Nakamura, T.(JAPAN NUS Co.,Ltd.), Furudono, T.; Kazama, M.(IDEA Consultants, Inc.), Suyama, N.; Aida M.(Doris Japan Co., Ltd), Nishi, E.(YOKOHAMA National Univ.), Kurozumi, T.; Komai, T.(Natural History Muse. and Ins., Chiba), Tomikawa, K.(Hiroshima Univ.), Nakayama, S.; Taru, M.; Furota T.(TOHO Univ.)

[P2-213A] Predicting effects of climate change on population structure of a boreal fish, Barbatula toni, based on ecological niche modeling *Yokoyama, R. (Natl. Res. Inst. Aquaculture), Shirakawa, H, Uranishi, M. (Hokkaido Univ.). Goto, A. (Hokkaido Univ. Edu.)

[P2-214A] Evolution of growth rates under the constraint of growth-development trade-off in a fish Fujimoto, S., Kawajiri, M., *Yamahira, K. (Univ. Ryukyus)


[P2-215A] Reproductive strategy of freshwater sculpin (Cottus Pollux) on the most southern distribution area. Muraoka, K. (Public Works Research Institute) et al.

[P2-216A] GPS telemetry traking of sika deer in the Southern Alps, Japan. ( Preliminary report ) * Yusaku Yamada, Zhaowen Jiang ( Wilidlife management office ), Toru Koizumi ( Forestry and Forest Products Research Institute ), Kyoko Honda, Takashi Yuasa ( Wilidlife management office )

[P2-217A] Fish population dynamics with sporadic recruitment: Bayesian modeling using commercial fishing data Takehiro Okuda (NRIFSF)

[P2-218A] Movement patterns of small benthic fish (Lefua echigonia) in headwater streams: how are they distributed? Yoshito, M. (Ryukoku Univ.), Mitsuru, O., Hiroshi, T. (Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.), Masahide, Y. (Ryukoku Univ.)

[P2-220A] Fungal farming in the lizard beetle Doubledaya bucculenta Toki, W. (Univ. Tokyo), Tanahashi, M. (AIST), Fukatsu, T. (AIST), Togashi, K. (Univ. Tokyo)

[P2-221J] Distribution and topographical trend of Japanese giant flying squirrel in Shiga Prefecture, central Japan. Chijiiwa, A.(LAGO co.Ltd)

[P2-222J] Recruitment of the amphidromous goby Sicyopterus japonicus *Iida, M. (Univ. Ryukyus), Watanabe, S., Tsukamoto, K. (Univ. Tokyo), Tachihara, K. (Univ. Ryukyus)

[P2-223J] Interpopulation variation in adult body size and secondary sexual traits of sea-run male masu salmon: a preliminary study Tamate, T. (Tohoku Nat. Fish. Res. Inst.)

[P2-224J] Bayesian learning promotes linear hierarchy formation *Ohtsuki, H. (SOKENDAI), Takikawa, H. (SOKENDAI)

[P2-225J] Early growth of sexual and asexual forms of the Japanese crucian carp in paddy fields Koseki, Y. (Nagano Pref. Fish. Exp. Sta.)

[P2-226J] Temperature-size rule in the wild population of the black fungus gnat Ctenosciara japonica (Diptera, Sciaridae) in Japan Sutou, M. (Univ. Tokyo)

[P2-227J] Estimating population density of the Iriomote cat using camera-traps Nakanishi, N. (Ryukyu Univ.) et al.

[P2-228J] Effect of current velocity and case adaptations on the distribution of caddisfly larvae *Jun-ichi Okano (Hokkaido Univ.)

[P2-229J] Seasonal variation of life history traits in Caprella bispinosa *Takeshita, F., Harada, S., Tokaji, H., Wada, S. (Hokkaido Univ.)

[P2-230J] Sex-selective fishing causes downsizing of female in a male-first sex-changing shrimp *Chiba, S. (Tokyo Univ. of Agriculture), Yoshino, K. (Saga Univ.)

[P2-231J] Analysis of population dynamics using Fractal reaction theory Kenta Yashima, Sayaki U. Suzuki, Akira Sasaki


[P2-232J] エゾサンショウウオの系統地理学-両生類の分散とその障壁 *道前洋史(北里大・薬),東典子(東農大・生産),半杭淳一,若原正己(酪農大)

[P2-233J] ヤマトシロアリReticulitermes speratusの有翅虫の性比と体サイズの地理的変異 *諸岡史哉, 北出理, 中川和樹, 滋田友恒 (茨城大・理), 石原道博 (大阪府立大), 吉村美穂, 前川清人 (富山大・理工)

[P2-234J] ヤマネGlirulus japonicusによる休眠場所の選択 *玉木恵理香(筑波大・生命環境)、門脇正史(筑波大・生命環境)、落合菜知香(筑波大・生物資源)、杉山昌典(筑波大・農技セ)

[P2-235J] 北海道の山地・低地湖沼におけるミジンコ属(Daphnia)個体群の近過去復元 *大槻朝、石田聖(東北大・生命)、加三千宣、槻木玲美(愛媛大・上級センター)、牧野渡、占部城太郎(東北大・生命)

[P2-236J] 糞分析によるヤマネGlirulus japonicusの食性 *落合菜知香(筑波大・生物資源)、門脇正史(筑波大・生命環境)、玉木恵理香(筑波大・生命環境)、杉山昌典(筑波大・農技セ)

[P2-237J] 北海道二十四河川におけるシロザケ遡上数の時系列解析 *大坪澄生,高田壮則,小泉逸郎(北大・環境科学院)

[P2-238J] 大阪府とその周辺におけるヌマムツの分布と遺伝的多様性 *松岡悠・平井規央・石井実(大阪府大・生環)

[P2-239J] 種子食性野ネズミの体重と個体数変動に対する餌条件の効果 *大石圭太(鹿大院・連農)、中村麻美(鹿大院・連農)、吉村和徳(鹿大院・農)、畑 邦彦(鹿大・農)、曽根晃一(鹿大・農)

[P2-240J] ホンモロコの卵サイズと孵化仔魚サイズの関係 *亀甲武志、藤岡康弘(滋賀水試)、甲斐嘉晃(京大フィールド研)

[P2-241J] 托卵鳥における雛擬態と宿主による排除:宿主の学習可能性への理論的アプローチ 佐藤 望(立教大院・理・生命理学)・*田中 啓太(立教大・理)・三上 修(岩手医大・共通教育)・上田 恵介(立教大・理・生命理学)

[P2-242J] 鳥類のペリットを用いた新規DNA解析法 *小林章弥(北大院・環境)、外山雅大(北大院・環境)、小泉逸郎(北大・創成)

[P2-243J] 東京都南西部のヌカエビ個体群の生活史 近藤亮,春山宏樹, 永田岳郎, 佐々木岳, *吉川朋子(玉川大・農)

[P2-244J] なぜオトシブミ幼虫は葉1枚だけを餌にして成虫になれるのか? *高橋佑輔 ,米林甲陽 ,田中栄爾 ,上田哲行(石川県立大•生物資源環境) 

[P2-245J] オオシロアリ野外コロニーのカスト構成と性比 *高津戸香(茨城大・理),林良信(北大・地環研),北出理(茨城大・理)

[P2-246J] 餌資源制限がニホンジカの歯の摩滅と体サイズに与える影響 *三ツ矢綾子(農工大・農)、高橋裕史(森林総研)、上野真由美(北海道環境研)、伊吾田宏正、吉田剛司(酪農大・環境)、梶光一(農工大・農)

[P2-247J] シャープマメゾウムシの世代間にみられる卵サイズ変異と死亡率への影響 *川本さつき、石原道博(大阪府大院・理)

[P2-248J] マダガスカル北西部乾燥林におけるトカゲ類の食性 河合 潮*(Texas Tech Univ.),森 哲(京大 理)

[P2-249J] 対馬暖流南域で子育てするオオミズナギドリ親の採食行動と海洋環境 *岡 奈理子(山階鳥類研究所)・狩野清貴(網野高校)・平井正志(京都府立大)・大城明夫(日本標識協会)

[P2-250J] 糞DNA解析法を用いた渡島地域に生息するキタキツネVulpes vulpes schrenckiの動態モニタリング *天池庸介(北教大院・教),村上貴弘(北教大・環)

[P2-251J] 環境攪乱下でのアリのコロニーの拡散に伴うコロニー間競争について 中丸麻由子(東工大・社)、*三浦佳南(東工大・社)、辻和希(琉球大・農)

[P2-252J] タナイス目甲殻類(Zeuxo sp.)の生活史 *角井敬知(北海道大・理)

[P2-253J] 繁殖地判別を目的とした草原棲鳥類の羽毛微量元素分析 *坂 有希子(弘大・農)、東 信行(弘大・農)、渡邉 泉(農工大・農)


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